Gerald (Jerry) Heard Beulah Jr.


Personal and Family Information

Gerald was born on 8 FEB 1965, the son of Gerald Heard Beulah Sr. and Ellen Louise Howell Beulah Young. The place is not known.

His wife was Laurie Pugh Beulah. They were married, but the date and place have not been found. Their three known children were TeJai' Leel Devon (1983-), Nia Joi (1997-) and Ayana Symone (2001-).

Pedigree Chart (3 generations)


Gerald (Jerry) Heard Beulah Jr.


Gerald Heard Beulah Sr.


Ellen Louise Howell Beulah Young


Nathaniel Howell Sr.


Sie Howell


Mrs. Howell


Maggie Anderson Odom Howell


Elie Anderson Sr.


Lillian Jones Anderson



Birth8 FEB 1965


Note 1

Birth registration…. 15 Feb 1965