Elizabeth (Daught) Callicot Tate


Personal and Family Information

Elizabeth was born on 28 MAY 1901 in DeSoto, Mississippi, the daughter of Allen Callicot and Margaret Anderson Callicot.

She died on 23 JAN 1974. The place is not known.

She had two marriages/partners. Her first husband is not known. They were married, but the date and place have not been found. Their only known child was John Eddie (1917-1976).

Her second husband was Ezekiel Tate, who she married on JAN 1923 in DeSoto County, Mississippi. They had no known children.

Pedigree Chart (3 generations)


Elizabeth (Daught) Callicot Tate


Allen Callicot


Margaret Anderson Callicot


John H. Anderson


Easter Wright Anderson



Birth28 MAY 1901
Place: DeSoto, Mississippi
Death23 Jan 1974


Note 1

The nick name (Daught) came from the Leake family tree. Her sister Maggie's obituary used the nickname as well.

Note 2

I am assuming that John Eddie Callicon is Elizabeth's son because in the 1920 census for Allen Callicot (Margaret Anderson's widow) he is listed as Allen's grandson. Elizabeth and Joseph were the only ones old enough to have had children. When Joseph appeared as the head of household, in the 1930 census he lists John Eddie Callicot as his nephew.


  1. Marriage License
    Source: Marriage License
    DeSoto Missi...